Complete 2019 & Create your 2020 workshop


The year is drawing to an end. And that means that a cycle is completing, too. Whenever cycles end there is the possibility to create something new. That’s the natural flow of life. Just look at nature.

Completing – an important step before we start to create

Each year I take time to say good-bye. I look back, I celebrate my breakthroughs and laugh, I muse and ponder, sometimes cry about the breakdowns, and I acknowledge everything that was and is. By doing so I complete the past year and with that create space for the next year. After that I tune inward to look, to see, to discover, to explore, to dream. Eventually I create a vision of the year to come and express that in a vision board.

We will do this together on:

19 January Dutch spoken*
26 January English spoken*

* When your understanding of either language is good enough to be able to follow the workshop, you’re welcome to join. You can share your thoughts and input in either Dutch or English, whatever comes more natural for you. Find more information in Dutch on the Facebook Event page.

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Creating vision and expressing it in a vision board

This workshop is for those who consciously want to create an empowering and inspiring 2020. For those who are still be a bit scared to dream big(ger), but feel a strong longing to do so and wish to go forward with more clarity and awareness. And for those who are committed to keep their vison alive.

What others have to say about the workshop:

“I feel inspired to take time to reflect and listen to my heart on a more regular base. It was an inspiring and special afternoon.”

“I feel more confident about the direction I’m moving into now and have a better focus on what really matters to me.”

What can you expect?


  • Digital support and assignments to complete your 2019.

You will be doing this in your own time as an important preparation for the workshop. Doing this will free up your energy and create space for something new to unfold.


  • Intimate and safe setting in which everything can be shared
  • 5 hours to create your 2020 by means of group coaching, yoga/meditation and the vision board
  • Personal attention and support
  • Your own vision board to take home
  • Tools to keep your vision alive throughout the year
  • Inspiration, relaxation and energy
  • Sweet/savoury snacks & tea*

What do you need to bring?

  • Notebook and pen
  • Your notes of the preparatory assignments
  • Clothing that is comfortable and allows you to sit and move freely

Location, Planning & Investment
Svaha Yoga Downtown Studio
Begijnensteeg 1, Amsterdam

12:00 doors open
12:15 start of workshop
17:00 end of workshop

45,- euro per person

* please inform me of any dietary requirements or allergies, so I can keep that in mind when preparing the workshop snacks and goodies.

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